April was a super exciting month for us... we found out we where going to be parents! The story went a little something like this...
It was the end of April and Ryan was getting ready to leave the country for work for a weeks and I had told myself that tomorrow was the day I could take a pregnancy test. I didn't want to jump the gun or be let down again if I wasn't but I had to find out before Ryan left. Anyways it was a Friday night and we were out on a date, just dinner and movie we where both super tired from the week and well anxious! On the drive home from the movie I couldn't take it anymore, I made Ryan stop at HEB on the way home to snag a few pregnancy tests, justifying with it's almost midnight so technically tomorrow :) Waiting for a pregnancy test results feels like forever, but when we saw the little positive sign we could not believe it! I took two more to be sure... and we of coarse could not go to sleep after that big news, pretty sure we each said "we are going to be parents!" like 50 times! I have always wanted to be a mom, it was so surreal to think it was actually happening, I loved that little peanut growing inside me from even before I knew it existed. But to sum it up I just felt so happy, exciting, content and a little panicked about all the unknowns ahead. And so Baby E's adventure begins! The next day before Ryan left we went to celebrate at our favorite... Black Sheep to talk baby non-stop... baby names, boy/girl, parenting and so on... so much excitement!
Then Ryan left and I had this huge gigantic secret I could not talk to anyone about, torture! 1. Because we decided we wanted to tell our families first and 2. Because we wanted to tell them together. But I did it, I kept the secret! Ryan got home the day before Mothers Day and we decided that would be a perfect time to tell our families! (Well I did, Ryan was trying to get me to wait until June because he was planning a birthday surprise of my family coming out to visit, and he knew I would love to tell them in person. Which I would have, but I was too impatient)
Telling my family...
Because it was Mothers Day my whole family got to talk to my brother Aaron, who is serving a mission in New York for our church, on the phone for an hour. This happens twice a year so I was super exciting about the timing! I waited until the end of the phone call and then texted everyone the picture below of Charlotte saying she was going to be a big cousin. I waited and waited and no one was looking at there phone but I knew Emily could not go too long with looking at hers. Then I heard Emily "Whittney... what did you just send me?!?" So I told everyone to look at their phones and someone read it to Aaron because I did have a way to send it to him. Everyone was super excited and surprised apparently! Poor Charlotte could not figure out what was going on and why everyone was saying her name haha.

Ryan sent the picture below to his mom, who was at dinner with most of his siblings, so they found out that way! And we found out that our little Baby E was not going to be #8 but #9 because Ryan's brother Andy and Allyson where expecting too and due just before us! So excited baby is going to have a cousin so close in age! Ryan also just old-fashioned called up his dad and told him the good news!
The next day at work Taylor went in wearing this little sign around her neck to announce the good news to her Goose aunties. At first everyone thought that we where getting another dog, that Ryan might finally be getting the German Shepherd was was wanting.
Our first ultrasound! :)