Okay first things first if you know what movie that little 5 word phase is from your are awesome.
OKAY now BIG NEWS! Super exciting news! Totally bubbly news! Are you ready for it!?
I got the job! I am just giddy!
Let me tell you about....
This job is made for me, if i were to close my eyes and think of the most perfect job well this one is better! This just found me in such a round about way, it was not a coincidence but definitely a tender mercy. I start in 3 weeks, I am so happy/grateful/ecstatic! I am starting to feel like CC is where I am supposed to be right now.
ekkkk! sorry. Still really excited!
congrats whit! (what is cc?)
and the 5 word phrase is from high school musical ;)
YEP, 10 points for Rachel! CC is just where we live (Corpus Christi) i get tired of writing it out, ya i am that lazy. and thanks!
I'm still waiting for you to tell us what it is! I want to know what you are going to be doing, details, etc!!
Congrats!! So excited for you!
super excited for you..... but what's the job? I have lots of magical ideas in my head for you right now. need another post asap
oh yay!! you should f-book message me all about your job! I'm curious :)
YAYYYYYY WHITTNEY. I'm so happy you got the job! you are going to be AMAZING. Honestly, I'm way jealous- it sounds like such a freakin fun job! I can't wait for you to start. YAY.
YAAAAY WHITT! Congrats friend, you totally deserve it! LOVE YA~!
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