Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the start of something new

Okay first things first if you know what movie that little 5 word phase is from your are awesome.
OKAY now BIG NEWS! Super exciting news! Totally bubbly news! Are you ready for it!?

I got the job! I am just giddy!
Let me tell you about....

This job is made for me, if i were to close my eyes and think of the most perfect job well this one is better! This just found me in such a round about way, it was not a coincidence but definitely a tender mercy. I start in 3 weeks, I am so happy/grateful/ecstatic! I am starting to feel like CC is where I am supposed to be right now.

ekkkk! sorry. Still really excited!


Rachel said...

congrats whit! (what is cc?)
and the 5 word phrase is from high school musical ;)

Whittney and Ryan said...

YEP, 10 points for Rachel! CC is just where we live (Corpus Christi) i get tired of writing it out, ya i am that lazy. and thanks!

Steph said...

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what it is! I want to know what you are going to be doing, details, etc!!

morgan and tina said...

Congrats!! So excited for you!

chelse said...

super excited for you..... but what's the job? I have lots of magical ideas in my head for you right now. need another post asap

Courtney Bartlett Morris said...

oh yay!! you should f-book message me all about your job! I'm curious :)

Allyx and Dan said...

YAYYYYYY WHITTNEY. I'm so happy you got the job! you are going to be AMAZING. Honestly, I'm way jealous- it sounds like such a freakin fun job! I can't wait for you to start. YAY.

Amber said...

YAAAAY WHITT! Congrats friend, you totally deserve it! LOVE YA~!