Thursday, September 24, 2009

ode to gg

okay i am obsessed, like unhealthily i have neglected school and our apt for the last 3 days

but its been a good 3 days with lots of gossip girls

Allyx and I bought the second season on Monday night watched 4 episodes, 10 on Tuesday and 6 yesterday, and mostly likely some more tonight. There are only 5 more left of them we can get started on season 3 which is on T.V. right now.

HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE THIS SHOW? I love all three of the guys Nate is up there on the level of Zac Efron hot, Dan and Serena are my favorite couple, but Chuck and Blair have to be my fav's they are so hilariously ridiculous. oh and little J i love her in season 2. not to mention that they live in NYC, have the most amazing clothes in the world and the most dramatic lives haha okay i will stop now

Saturday, September 19, 2009

tweet tweet

i started a twitter this week, and so far i like it

anyone else a tweeter? DO IT

Thursday, September 17, 2009

almost there

today i applied for graduation, from college weird! If all goes well this semester and i pass my 17 credits I am currently taking I will be a college grad in DECEMBER. I am stoked that the last four years of hard work is about to finally pay off. yay me!

Friday, September 4, 2009

barcelona is a never ending dream...

so i have been home from europe for weeks now and still have not blogged about... opps! i was so excited to too and them i got home saw that i had taken over 1200 picture in two weeks that were full of funny stories, crazy amounts of people, and four amazing counties to tell about and put it off for a while. so here i am a few weeks later and i will break it down by country and give you the highlights... starting with BARCELONA my favorite and also the first place we went.

(click to enlarge)
1 & 2 Gaudi park, 3 castle, 4 roommates sleeping, 5 market, 6 backpacks, 7 Gaudi park, 7 cathedral, 8 Gaudi's apartment roof
Guadi's park, palace and barcelona street art

1 hostel, 2 food, 3 pier, 4 gelato, 5 topless beach, 6 mermaid building, 7 champagne chimney, 8 cathedral, 9 palace

Day One
monday we arrive in spain at 9 in the morning, a little sleep deprived but ready to go for the day! We find our hostel, find Nattie and start to explore the city. i fell in LOVE with Barcelona the cities spirit, the people, the the colors, the art, the old buildings i love everything about it. After walking around the city in the blazing sun we went to cool off at the beach, yes the topless beach, i am not going to lie i was excited for this i have always wanted to experience a topless beach and it did not let me down, i would go again it was refreshing :) and totally normal there! everyone had the tops off from old ladys to little girls and no one even took a second glance that's just how it is over there, pretty cool, but i will say i am happy that here in america we were tops! we had a yummy dinner followed by Nutella Gelato (to die for). Then back at the hostel we meet our roommates "the kiwis" only in passing today we were coming in for the night and they were just going out haha

Day Two
A day filled with Gaudi, an architect who influenced a lot of Barcelona we saw my favorite building of his the one above that looks like a mermaids tail also the huge and famous cathedral he designed, his park also some other of his most famous buildings, i was impressed. After we had to hit up the beach again and on the way home we had every intention of going home a getting a good night sleep until we were given free passes to a PUB CRAWL, well we could not pass that down so we decided to check it out, which led to an amazing night of dancing non-stop from 11pm to 4am ekk a little past our bedtime haha. so pub crawl are so cool! you start off at a club and every 45 min everyone leaves as a group and walks across town to another club and you do this in a organized fashion all night long. Well we met some funny people on this adventure seeing as everyone loved us because each club you went to each person got a coupon for a free drink, which we gave away and made lots of good friends this way. a few of my favorite were the 17 year old english boys who loved listening to us talk because it made them "feel like they were in the movies". Also the group of European travelers who were afraid of america because all of the guns "everyone cares one and shoots people in the street, right?" one of them looked at me like a crazy person when i told them i owed my own gun and they my husband owned four hehe. This was also the night we stayed up for hours pillow talking with our kiwi roommates, seeing as how we got home the same time as them. Everything they said was funny because of their New Zealand accent. we laughed as jill's toe nail fell off and they offered to pour thier bottle of vodka on it for the pain, we vented about the pick-pocketrs and made a game plan to pick-pocket all the pick-pockets the next day, they told us about their only u.s. experience when they visited san fran and hung out with all the bums. You would be surprised at the kinds of bums there are, nice bums, angry bums, drunk bums, gay bums. We also learned that if you add an ed on the end of any word it can mean drunk for example floored, cared, pissed. they were characters as you can see.

Day three
We got a late start but we had to live up our last day in Spain we went to the Castle, so cool saw the palace, huge is an understatement. We did some shopping tried this amazing dessert they are famous for called Gorfuf? dont know how you spell it but it amazing its a waffle shaped but more a a waffle/cake mixture with gelato on top its divine. I was so sad to leave, this amazing amazing country I WILL go back with Ryan someday! We were in by 12 tonight because we had a 4 a.m. flight to catch to paris the next day!

so can i just say my husband is a total star for letting me leave him for two weeks to travel europe with my girlfriends! well he is.. a star and i love him. He was on board the second i mentioned this trip and is always so supportive of everything i want to do. He was happy i got paris and london out of my system because he is anti going there. But spain he would love and i cant wait to go back with my love!

next post... PARIS!!!